How One Email Redefined My Perspective on Self-Worth
Hello lovelies,
Last week, I read something in Amanda Goetz's Life’s a Game weekly newsletter that really struck me.
It’s no secret to my regular readers that I suffer from low self-esteem and self-doubt. Since starting HRT, things have improved, but I’m still working through it with my therapist.
When I read Amanda’s email, her message hit me hard. I’ve seen similar quotes before but never truly understood their meaning until now. Thanks to Amanda, it finally clicked, and I want to share it with you.
I will paraphrase, but if you’d like Amanda’s detailed explanation, which I highly recommend, you can subscribe here.
Imagine This Scenario
You’ve arranged to catch up with someone you care about.
You get to the venue, sit down, look at the menu, maybe even order a drink.
15 minutes later, they’re still not there.
Then you receive a text saying they’re not coming. There’s no emergency; they say this catch-up isn’t their priority.
How would you feel? Raging? Hurt? Like you don’t matter to them?
The Realisation
What if I told you both people in this story were you? Let me explain:
I prioritise plans to catch up with people I care about.
But when I set time aside for myself, like exercising, doing my nails, or simply resting, I rarely stick to it.
Without realising it, I’m telling myself I don’t matter. No wonder my self-esteem is on the floor.
A Change in Perspective
Since reading Amanda's email, I’ve thought about it a lot. I flagged it and kept it in my otherwise empty inbox, rereading it several times. Each time, it blows my mind.
I decided that when I plan my weeks going forward, the things I schedule for myself are the priority.
Everyone benefits when I look after myself. I’m a better wife, stepmother, daughter, sister, auntie, and friend. I’m a better person to everyone I encounter.
I have already made some small but significant changes, such as
Instead of watching Real Housewives of New Jersey in the morning, I exercise (sometimes while still watching RHONJ - win-win!).
Instead of putting off doing my nails because I can’t be bothered to walk upstairs, I just do it.
Not a single time that I did something for myself did I regret it, but did I feel better for it? Every. Single. Time.
A Daily Reminder
To remind myself of this important message every day, I created this image on CANVA. You can use it as a screensaver, print it, or put it on a wall. Feel free to use it ❤️
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